Angela Wilhelm

Monday, April 13, 2009

Erie Trail

Most people I know are guilty of taking photos out the window as they drive.  On my way to Columbus over break, I decided to snap a photo anytime I saw a "For Sale" sign, because I noticed so many on my way back from school.  This one stuck out to me.

I remember driving here with Alysha to get beef jerky with her dad when we were little.  I remember standing in the sun, filling up the tank of my little white Grand Am in the summer.  I remember driving past it in the snow after pulling an all-nighter for my first "real" photo story, as the sun rose with my excitement.  And I remember pulling in there with barely a drop left of gas (too many times)... there's not another gas station for miles.

Whatever, it's just a gas station.

Blogger makes my photos look disgusting, at least on the computer I am using at the moment.  Right now, they look alright, but let me know if these look horrible on your screen, because I toned them like crazy to try to keep the color.  Thanks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pink Panties Drag Racing

I just started a story on a four-wheeler drag racing team called Pink Panties Drag Racing.  The team is Maya and Macy Sherman and Jala and Jadyn Mace, all between the ages of 5-10.  This past Saturday I went with them to their first race of the season at Little Sandy Raceway in Grayson, Kentucky and had a blast.

About Me

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Staff photographer at the Sandusky Register. Videographer at Follow me on instagram @angwilhelm and @sanduskyregister

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