Angela Wilhelm

Monday, April 8, 2013

Childhood Idyll

I recently went to the Denver Art Museum with my friend Kate. One of my favorite paintings of the day was called Childhood Idyll by William Bouguereau. There is a peacefulness in the painting that only a child with all the time in the world can express.

It reminded me of two young girls I met at a playground in Scotland 5 years ago. They led me to a creek where they caught tadpoles and yelled at boys on the opposite side. One of the girls reminded me so much of my sister Amanda, with her dark brown eyes and hair, and it made me miss my family. The time I spent with them is the most vivid memory I have of the trip. I think it is because I slowed down and saw things through their eyes, with all the time in the world.

They gave me their addresses and told me to write to them on their birthdays but I haven't.

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Staff photographer at the Sandusky Register. Videographer at Follow me on instagram @angwilhelm and @sanduskyregister

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