Angela Wilhelm

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ConAgra Implosion

Sunday was an exciting day. I went to the implosion of an abandoned building in Huron for the Sandusky Register and was able to bring my dad along as my assistant. Hundreds of people surrounded the little peninsula to watch the spectacle, including the cast of Haunted Collector, a SyFy show who had filmed an episode in the building, and Max Hinton, a 7-year-old whose Make-A-Wish dream came true when he pressed the detonator, crumbling the tallest building around.

We had six cameras surrounding the building and I was granted the job of editing the footage. It was fun to see it all come together and to hear the reactions as the building disappeared. To see more photos and read the story, click here.

Implosion from Angela Wilhelm on Vimeo.







Peter said...

Angela, Thanks, I loved the Vimeo editing. A friend that managed the Pillsbury operation twice also appreciated your work, as well. As I've said before, you are a very talented photographer. I appreciate your photo's.

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Staff photographer at the Sandusky Register. Videographer at Follow me on instagram @angwilhelm and @sanduskyregister

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